ΤΗΕ FISHERIES LAW (CAP. 135 AND LAWS OF 1961 until 2007)
The Fisheries Regulations of 1990 until 2007, Regulation 12

Recreational Fishing Licenses in Reservoirs: Licenses are issued to persons over 12 years of age. For issuing licenses to persons between the ages of 12 and 18, the written consent of their parent or guardian is mandatory. The licenses are personal. Persons under 12 years of age are allowed to fish only if their name is written on the license of their parent or guardian. For underage persons, the use of a lifejacket during fishing is mandatory.

Daily fishing times:
(a) One hour before sunrise to one hour after sunset.
(b) It is prohibited to carry any fishing gear to the bank of the reservoirs one and a half hour before sunrise.
(c) It is prohibited to have in possession any fishing gear at the bank of the reservoirs one and a half hour after sunset.

Method of fishing:
(a) Fishing is only allowed with the use a fishing rod and the License entitles each person to use only one rod and line.
(b) No person shall fish with a rod and line having more than one hook. A triple hook will be considered as one. When the fishing method of “cast and spin” is used for the fishing of predator species, the use of commercial artificial lures, which have more than one hook, is allowed.
(c) All other methods of fishing, gear and fishing instruments, including the use of lights or lanterns or nets or handline or chemicals or other substances, are prohibited.
(d) Fishing is only allowed from the banks.
(e) It is prohibited to use any unmanned medium or device for direct fishing purposes or as a fishing aid.

Achna Reservoir: Achna reservoir will be closed for fishing from the 1st of January until the 30th of June of the same year.

Achna and Polemidia reservoir:
(a) It is prohibited to kill or transfer live fish away from the reservoir.
(b) All fish caught must be carefully unhooked and returned live back in the water.

Fishing quota: It is prohibited to fish and hold during one day more than 2 fish of each species of Bass, Carp and Zander, 5 trouts and 1 sturgeon. It is also prohibited to hold during one day more than 10 of the above fish in total.

Size limit: No person shall hold, at any time: Trout less than 20 cm, Bass less than 30 cm, Zander less than 30cm Carp less than 30 cm and sturgeon less than 70 cm. The size shall be ascertained by measuring from the tip of the snout to the end of the tail fin. If a person takes an undersized fish accidentally he/she must return it to the water with the least possible injury.

Pike fishing: In case a pike is caught/fished, it is prohibited to return it to the reservoir.

Eel fishing: Eel fishing is prohibited. In case an eel is caught/fished must be carefully unhooked and returned
live back in the water.

Release of fish: During March and April all bass and carp species caught must be returned back to the water.

Sale of fish: The sale of the fish is prohibited.
Catch information: All anglers shall provide the Director of the Department of Fisheries and Marine Research or his representative, with any information relevant to their angling he may deem necessary to request.

For reporting illegal fishing on weekdays between the hours of 07:30 – 15:00 please use the following contact information:
Nicosia: 22807853
Limasol – Zygi: 25827277, 24817097
Pafos: 26821677
Larnaca – Famagusta: 24304294 – 23834170
For reporting illegal fishing on weekdays between the hours of 15:00 – 18:30 and on weekends between the hours of 06:00 – 18:30 please use the contact information 99489641.

Nature conservation:
(a) The parking of any vehicle at a distance less than 15m from the high water level of the reservoirs is prohibited.
(b) Anglers must not litter the reservoirs or light fires or camp or leave litter on the banks or adjacent land.
(c) No disturbance of the soil or plant growth on the banks is permitted.

(a) This License is valid ONLY when the reservoir/s is/are declared open for fishing by the Director of the Department of Fisheries and Marine Research.
(b) All anglers must carry their license and identification card with them and co-operate with the Director of the Department of Fisheries and Marine Research or any other authorized person acting on his behalf.
(c) Violation of the relevant provisions of the legislation or the conditions of the licence might result in a penalty/fine of €8,542 euro or up to 6 months imprisonment or both penalties.